Camera Formats & Types

camera formats camera types cameras cropped sensor full frame large format learn photography medium format small format Apr 12, 2023

We can define and categorize cameras in two different ways. We can talk about them in terms of the type of cameras, or we can talk about the format.

Now, by type, we can refer to cameras in many different ways. We can refer to them in terms of brand. I've got a Canon, and I've got a Nikon. We can refer to them in terms of model, or I've got a Canon 5D Mark III, I've got a Leica, I've got a Canonet.

So by camera type, we refer to cameras generally by brand, model, size, and so forth. But in fact, we have only three main camera formats, and camera formats are small, medium and large. Three main sizes. So by small format, we refer to cameras in terms of sensor size.

A full-frame sensor in a camera, like in the case of this 5D Mark III case, is the same size as the 35-millimetre sensor, the 35-millimetre film we use in film cameras. So if I measure across diagonally this film, it will be exactly the same size as the sensor in this camera.

So that is our main reference in small format, the full-frame sensor, 35 millimetres as in the film that we used to use, as in these types of analogue cameras, and as in this type of full-frame camera.

When we go smaller than the 35-millimetre full-frame DSLR, we refer to them as a cropped sensor. The format refers to the media size that any camera can hold. A medium format will have a sensor size bigger than the 35-millimetre format or the full-frame format. Then we have the large format. The large format refers to a very large sensor or films the camera can hold.

3 Main Formats, Endless Camera Types. 

  • Small, Medium and Large Format Cameras
  • Full Frame Digital Camera Compared to 35mm Film Camera

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