Image Quality, Size and File Formats

digital cameras image qulity image size jpeg raw tiff Apr 19, 2023

Image Size

Image size is the dimension (width x height) in Pixels. 
Cameras usually offer three sizes: Small, Medium and Large, using your camera's highest resolution (Megapixel). 

Image Quality

Refers to the JPG compression level. Cameras can offer 2 or 3 options. Canon Cameras offer Normal and Fine options. Nikon cameras offer Basic, Normal and Fine options.

File Formats

There are many photography file formats, but the most commonly used in photography are JPEG (JPG), Tiff and RAW.

JPG is the most common file format digital cameras use to store images. JPG is a compressed file format. Some image data is removed before the file is saved, meaning it can be held at a smaller size on your memory card. The resolution is not changed, but the image has a slight loss of detail and clarity. A camera has different JPG settings offering more or less compression (Image Quality).

RAW A camera RAW file contains unprocessed raw data from the camera's digital sensor. They are not yet ready to be printed, emailed or uploaded to the web – they are not directly usable as images yet. Using computer software, you must 'process' or 'develop' RAW files. The benefits of RAW: higher image quality, greater control over exposure, hue, saturation, white balance, contrast etc.

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