Intro To Image Capture

camera obscura cameras drawing. light photography photos & graphos Apr 06, 2023

Photography comprises two Greek terms: photos & graphos, where photos mean light, and graphos means drawing.

Every time we use the camera to take pictures, we're just reading and interpreting light.

Without light, we cannot take photographs.

Now, cameras come in all sorts of brands and shapes and formats. Still, overall, they're all based on the same principle, which is the principle of the camera obscure, for which a pinhole camera will be beneficial in understanding the process of capturing and recording light.

Now, this shoebox is rudimentally mimicking the camera obscura, the dark chamber, and you can see a hole right here at the front and back; I placed a piece of paper.

This is no recording material, but it just gives you an idea. So we close the box, and we seal it all around. So the only place that the light goes through is the hole.

Our little toy bus will be projected at the back of the box, upside down. Very simple, and that's what every single camera you'll find in the market is based on. You know, of course, there are optics, the shutter, there is the aperture. Our goal is to develop talent in all of these little things, but mainly in using our camera freely and confidently.

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